Owners &

Owners &

There are no manuals for innovation. We need to create them as we go.


There are no manuals for innovation. We need to create them as we go.

Our product management teams are problem solvers, driving progress and innovation in exciting fields like autonomous technology, emergency communications, and critical healthcare. From the complex to the everyday, product managers drive improvements both big and small.

Lead, collaborate, explore

As one of our product managers, you will be responsible for everything from strategy and development to product discovery and ideation – exploring the possibilities of new technology such as 5G, autonomous drones, and self-driving cars, while also driving incremental improvements, re-platforming initiatives and other day-to-day essentials. Working alongside our customers and industry partners, you’ll collaborate closely in order to develop customer-centric solutions to complex challenges, creating innovative solutions through integrated technologies.

Making better innovation happen

With 360° ownership of your products, you’ll manage stakeholders, drive strategy, and lead product development from discovery to go-to-market, together with colleagues from a variety of functions. You’ll have the chance to grow your abilities as you work, learning from your most experienced peers. You’ll share ideas and develop real world solutions that’ll drive technology and advance the development of industries. We believe that you’ll grow with us – let’s make better product development happen.



Mehran is part of a team of product developers laying the groundwork for intelligent transport systems.


Mehran is part of a team of product developers laying the groundwork for intelligent transport systems.

Learn more about some of our teams at Telia

If you want to make your mark, you’re in the right place. From Software developers and Data engineers to Security specialists and Sales, our talented people make a real difference.